• Thirty-nine percent of U.S. households own a dog.
• Dogs have Twitter accounts and Facebook pages. The most popular videos on YouTube are with dogs.
• 14 million people have adopted shelter pets. Another 41 million indicated they're considering doing so. 17 million will bring a pet home in the next year.
• 6 million people in the United States have an unruptured brain aneurysm, or 1 in 50 people.
• Nine out of ten people believe that heaven exists.
• Several million people in the United States have had near-death experiences.
• Cop and doctor shows are so popular that they account for about 50% of the shows on television.
• When men communicate, they focus on achieving social status and avoiding failure. Women focus on achieving personal connection and avoiding social isolation. Men want to report, women want rapport.
These facts and more are explored in “the most unusual dog book ever” -- A DOG NAMED LEAF by Allen Anderson.

A former police officer; Allen Anderson’s memoir tells his dramatic journey of adopting Leaf, a traumatized year-old cocker spaniel. The mutual healing of this man and this dog, coming together at exactly the right time, offers valuable insights and hope to anyone who has faced the prospect of losing everything.
A DOG NAMED LEAF became an Amazon.com Bestseller, Hot 100 New Releases, Memoir.
Allen Anderson will talk about:
• his experiences bringing home a troubled rescued dog
• how a scared little dog became a big hero
• his extended near-death experience: a life review, seeing a mystical light, assurance that he wasn’t finished living, prophetic dreams and visions
• how the miraculous detection of a brain aneurysm with no symptoms led to life-saving surgery
• how years as a big city cop created distrust
• what happens when a guy tries to keep his wife from getting emotional over bad news
ALLEN ANDERSON and his wife Linda Anderson founded the Angel Animals Network in Minneapolis in 1996. Their fifteen books about the spiritual qualities of animals have been featured on Oprah.com, the Today Show, ABC’s Nightly News, BBC Radio, Washington Post, LA Times, Amazon.com’s Hot 100 and B&N’s Top 10, and Dr. Alvin Augustus Jones’s show, among others.
Commonly Asked Questions about ALLEN ANDERSON and A DOG NAMED LEAF
You call the story of you and your dog Leaf a “dual journey.” You say the two of you came together at exactly the right time to help each other heal. What do you mean by that?
How did your years as a police officer affect your ability to trust and view people positively? Did Leaf have similar trust issues with people?
What problems did you have from adopting an abandoned and abused shelter dog?
Tell us about your failed strategy for breaking the bad news to your wife Linda. Why were you so determined not to have her become “emotional”?
How did you and Leaf bond more deeply? Were you able to find ways to communicate with each other?
What was the worst moment as you and Linda faced losing everything?
How did Leaf save your life? How was he your “spiritual partner”?
When faced with death or disability, what unique perspectives did you gain on fulfilling your purpose in life?
Talk about things that happened to you that are similar to what people report with near-death experiences. Is heaven real?
Where can people find out more about A DOG NAMED LEAF: The Hero from Heaven Who Saved My Life?
